Navigating Planetary Boundaries and Business Sustainability

Table of Contents

“Six of the nine planetary boundaries have been crossed.” Distressing updates about the planet continue to fill our social media pages.  

According to the latest assessment, Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries, “Humanity is today placing unprecedented pressure on the Earth system”. In this article, we explain in simple terms what is at stake and what you can do about it.  

What are planetary boundaries?

According to the planetary boundaries framework, there are boundaries related to ongoing developments of nine Earth systems which must not be crossed permanently because humankind’s continued flourishing depends on it. These boundaries relate to: 

  • Climate Change 
  • Biosphere Integrity 
  • Land System Change 
  • Freshwater Change 
  • Biogeochemical Flows 
  • Novel Entities 
  • Stratospheric Ozone Depletion 
  • Atmospheric Aerosol Loading 
  • Ocean Acidification 

Each system has certain limits that cannot be exceeded in the long term without dire consequences for humanity and all life on the planet. When we operate within those limits, known as planetary boundaries, we are operating within Earth’s safe zone. When we persist in exceeding them, we increasingly risk catastrophe. Since its first proposal in 2009, the planetary boundaries framework has been amended several times for greater precision and scope (See Image 1).  

Image 1: Illustration of planetary boundaries during the years 2009, 2015 & 2023 

Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University 

Why do planetary boundaries matter?

According to the latest assessment, six out of the nine planetary boundaries have been transgressed. We are already in unprecedented and dangerous territory. As alarming as this sounds, scientists warn that things are only getting worse from here. Beyond certain tipping points, some systems may never recover fully and may even start to harm the functioning of other systems. The pace of transgression since 2009 indicates that humanity is on course to push the Earth’s life-supporting systems into a state where humans can no longer thrive or possibly even survive. 

What can be done?

Effectively addressing the overshooting of planetary boundaries is going to require decision-makers at all levels to better understand global environmental hazards and to respond urgently at various scales. For instance, although climate change is a global issue that necessitates international agreements, local solutions are still required. Therefore, decisions taken at the national or grassroot level will have a significant impact on adaptation and mitigation efforts.  

How can businesses contribute?

1. Be open to learn 

Understand how your business affects the planet adversely and the factors involved in the process.

2. See the bigger picture 

Instead of looking at it as a burden, see it as an opportunity that could help your business prosper.  

3. Innovate

Do not hesitate to break new ground. Considering your impact on our planetary boundaries in your long-term plans could open doors to much-needed novel designs, collaborations, and solutions. 

4. Lead the way 

Set a benchmark for your business operations and regularly analyse your performance against it. Make sure to actively engage your stakeholders at every stage. 

5. Do not wait till the last moment 

Execute long-term plans keeping the planetary boundaries in mind. There is not much time left to avoid the planet exceeding its capacity to sustain us. Therefore, it is important to start preparing now for the future of your business. 

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